Root & Leaf

5 Hair Care Myths You Thought Were True (But Aren’t!)

When it comes to taking care of our hair, there’s a lot of advice out there that isn’t true. From things we hear from our grandparents to tips we find online, it’s easy to get confused. In this blog post, we’ll clarify some of the most common hair care myths and share the facts. Let’s look at five myths about hair care and find out what’s actually true.

Myth 1: Trimming Your Hair Makes It Grow Faster

Truth: Trimming doesn’t affect hair growth.

Trimming your hair regularly is beneficial, but not for the reasons many believe. Hair growth originates from the follicles on your scalp, not the ends of your hair. Regular trims help maintain healthy hair by removing split ends and preventing further breakage. This makes your hair look healthier and thicker but doesn’t accelerate growth. Your hair grows at a consistent rate of about half an inch per month, regardless of how often you trim it.

Myth 2: Washing Your Hair Daily Is Necessary

Truth: Washing your hair daily can strip it of natural oils.

Washing Your Hair Daily Is Necessary

While cleanliness is important, over-washing your hair can do more harm than good. Your scalp produces natural oils that keep your hair moisturized and protected. Washing your hair daily strips away these oils, potentially leading to dryness and irritation. The frequency of hair washing should depend on your hair type and lifestyle. For most people, washing two to three times a week is sufficient to maintain a healthy balance of natural oils.

Myth 3: You need to change your  Shampoo Regularly

Truth: Stick with what works for you.

There’s a common belief that your hair gets used to a particular shampoo, making it less effective. However, there’s no scientific evidence to support this claim. If you’ve found a shampoo that works well for your hair type and addresses your hair concerns, there’s no need to switch. Changing your shampoo only becomes necessary if your hair’s needs change due to seasonal changes, hormonal shifts, or chemical treatments.

Read More: How To Make Hair Silky Naturally – 10 Best Hair Care Tips

Myth 4: Air Drying Is Always Better Than Blow Drying

Truth: Air drying can sometimes be more damaging than blow drying.

Air Drying Is Always

While it’s true that excessive heat styling can damage hair, air drying isn’t always the better option. When hair is wet, it’s in a more fragile state, and prolonged wetness can lead to more breakage and split ends. Blow drying on a low or medium heat setting with a heat protectant can actually be less damaging than letting your hair air dry completely. The key is to use your blow dryer correctly: keep it moving, don’t hold it too close to your hair, and finish with a blast of cool air to seal the cuticle.

Myth 5: Brushing Your Hair 100 Strokes a Day Promotes Growth

Truth: Excessive brushing can lead to hair damage.

The notion that brushing your hair 100 strokes a day will make it grow faster is an old myth. In reality, excessive brushing can cause friction, leading to breakage and split ends. Gentle brushing to detangle and distribute natural oils from your scalp to the ends of your hair is beneficial. However, there’s no need to brush your hair excessively. Use a brush suitable for your hair type, and be gentle to avoid damaging your hair.


Understanding the truth behind common hair care myths can help you make better decisions for your hair’s health. Remember that hair care is not one-size-fits-all; what works for one person might not work for another. Pay attention to your hair’s needs and adjust your routine accordingly. You can achieve healthier, more beautiful hair by debunking these myths and following sound hair care practices.

Additional Tips for Healthy Hair

  1. Use a wide-tooth comb on wet hair to minimize breakage.
  2. Protect your hair from heat by using heat protectant sprays before styling.
  3. Stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet to support hair health from within.
  4. Avoid tight hairstyles that can pull on the scalp and cause breakage.
  5. Use chemical-free hair care products to nourish your hair and minimize frizz.

By following these tips and understanding the truth behind hair care myths, you can enjoy healthier, stronger, and more beautiful hair. Remember, taking care of your hair is a journey, and being informed is the first step to success.

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