Root & Leaf

How To Make Hair Silky Naturally – 10 Best Hair Care Tips

Who doesn’t dream of having silky, smooth hair that feels like a soft cascade every time you run your fingers through it? While the beauty industry offers countless products promising immediate results, the best way to achieve truly healthy, lustrous hair is through natural methods. With a few simple changes to your routine and some tried-and-true home remedies, you can transform your hair and make it shine with health. Here are ten effective tips to make your hair silky naturally.

1- Regular Oiling

Why It Works: Oiling your hair is a time-tested method to ensure it remains soft and silky. Natural oils such as coconut, olive, almond, and argan oil provide essential nutrients that nourish the hair from the roots to the tips.

How to Apply:

  • Warm the oil slightly before applying it to your scalp and hair.
  • Massage the oil into your scalp using your fingertips in circular motions.
  • Leave the oil in your hair for at least an hour or overnight for better results.
  • Wash it off with a mild shampoo.


  • Twice a week for best results.

2- Use a Gentle Shampoo

wash your naturally

Why It Works: Shampoos with harsh chemicals can strip your hair of natural oils, leading to dryness and frizz. A gentle, sulfate-free shampoo maintains the natural moisture balance of your hair.

How to Choose:

  • Look for shampoos labelled as sulfate-free and paraben-free.
  • Opt for shampoos with natural ingredients like aloe vera, tea tree oil, or herbal extracts.

Washing Tips:

  • Use lukewarm water to wash your hair, as hot water can further dry out your hair.
  • Focus on your scalp while shampooing, allowing the lather to clean the lengths of your hair as you rinse.

3- Condition Regularly

Why It Works: Conditioners replenish the moisture lost during shampooing and help to detangle your hair, reducing breakage and promoting smoothness.

How to Apply:

  • Apply conditioner to the lengths and ends of your hair, avoiding the scalp to prevent greasiness.
  • Leave it in for 2-3 minutes before rinsing thoroughly with cool water to seal the hair cuticles.


  • Use conditioner every time you shampoo.

4- Cold Water Rinse

Why It Works: Rinsing your hair with cold water after washing helps to seal the hair cuticles, making your hair look shinier and smoother.

How to Do It:

  • After washing and conditioning, rinse your hair with cold water.
  • Make this a part of your regular hair-washing routine.

5- Natural Hair Masks

natural hair mask

Why It Works: Hair masks made from natural ingredients can provide deep conditioning, nourishment, and repair to damaged hair, enhancing its silkiness.

DIY Hair Mask Recipes:

Avocado and Honey Mask:

  • Mash one ripe avocado and mix it with two tablespoons of honey.
  • Apply this mixture to your hair and leave it on for 30 minutes before washing off with a mild shampoo.

Banana and Yogurt Mask:

  • Blend one ripe banana with two tablespoons of yogurt.
  • Apply to your hair and leave it for 30 minutes before rinsing thoroughly.


  • Use a hair mask once a week for best results.

6- Avoid Heat Styling

Why It Works: Excessive use of heat-styling tools like hair dryers, straighteners, and curling irons can damage your hair, making it dry and brittle.


  • Air-dry your hair whenever possible.
  • Use heat styling tools sparingly, and always apply a heat protectant spray before use.

7- Trim Regularly

Why It Works: Regular trims help eliminate split ends and prevent damage from traveling up the hair shaft, keeping your hair healthy and smooth.

How to Trim:

  • Trim your hair every 6-8 weeks.
  • If you’re not comfortable doing it yourself, visit a professional.

8- Healthy Diet

eat healthy

Why It Works: Your hair’s health is closely linked to your diet. Nutrients like vitamins A, C, D, E, zinc, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for healthy hair.

What to Eat:

  • Include leafy greens, nuts, seeds, fish, and fruits in your diet.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your hair hydrated from the inside out.

9- Stay Away from Chemical Treatments

Why It Works: Chemical treatments like coloring, perming, and relaxing can weaken your hair and strip away its natural oils, leading to dryness and frizz.

Natural Alternatives:

  • If you want to color your hair, consider using natural dyes like henna or vegetable-based colors.

10- Protect Your Hair

Why It Works: Protecting your hair from environmental damage, such as UV rays and pollution, helps to maintain its natural shine and smoothness.

How to Protect:

  • Wear a hat or scarf when going out in the sun.
  • Use hair products that contain UV protection.
  • Wash your hair after exposure to pollutants to remove any harmful residues.


Achieving silky, smooth hair is all about adopting a consistent hair care routine and making some lifestyle changes. By incorporating these ten tips into your daily regimen, you can enhance the texture and appearance of your hair without relying on chemical products. Remember, natural hair care is not a one-time effort but a continuous process that requires patience and persistence. With time, you’ll notice significant improvements in the health and silkiness of your hair.

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